Well, I'm on the diet again, and my husband decided to join me, since he's gotten a little too used to the American way of life, if you catch my drift. Only this time, we're not doing the Releana drops, but a generic brand my mom's friend has been using with roughly the same results. And since we are dirt poor and still have no health insurance whatsoever, it was either pay $200 for the drops, take several long trips to see Dr. Gimenez and get billed heavily for that, orrr just pay $40 and supervise ourselves.
Hmmm, what to choose, what to choose?
I still had my folder with all the diet instructions and such, and I know the ropes this time, so I figured I could keep an eye on my husband well enough. So far, it's been a success. We're sharing the single bottle of drops, which means we'll be on the diet for about 20 days total.
Erm. I reallyreallyreallyreallyjustwantfood. Which is part of the reason I'm un-abandoning this blog for the moment, because putting my food cravings into actual words on a screen helps me see how stupid they really are. :P
Going back on the diet was infinitely easier than starting it the first time. I was hungry, I looked covetously at my brother and my sister-in-law's dinners, but I was okay with it. Now, after two weeks, I'm beginning to get tired of it though. Funnily enough, first time around, I craved dairy more than anything, and didn't miss bread much. This time, I'm craving bread big time, and dairy...not so much. Especially pancakes. I really, really want just a big freaking stack o' pancakes right now, drenched in melted butter and maple syrup and all delicious and everything...Anyway.
My husband has done great so far as well. Obviously he struggled at the beginning more than I did, but he had no idea what to expect. He's gone through at least two packs of gum so far, I believe. But he's brave for sticking with it and not cheating, which is so tempting to do.
So far he's lost about 19 pounds, I believe. I've lost 16, I think. I don't have the chart handy. I mean, I KNEW because he's a man and his metabolism is better than mine that he'd lose more, but it's still annoying. My goal is basically to get down to where the weight on my driver's license is no longer a lie. I need to lose just 6 pounds more, but I'd be okay if I lost 20 overall.
Also, I was dreading starting this diet because I thought I'd gained back so much weight since last time. I think it was just 10-12 pounds (our scale is a little different than my parents'). Which...I think most of that was gained back when we got put on Food Stamps, because we have to eat very cheaply (paying for the food on this diet has been throttling my already half-dead, comatose bank account). Cheaply = POTATOEZ LOL.
So, basically, I don't actually feel bad about gaining that much back, mainly because I thought it would be at least twice that.
But now I'm lighter than I was for my wedding, able to comfortably wear a pair of size 14 shorts I haven't really fit into since high school (granted, they're BIG for a 14, but still!), and feeling good. No leg cramps this time, although for some reason I'm, er, staying a little TOO regular, if you know what I mean. Blech. I've only had to do one apple day this time (though I could only choke down two instead of six), but I am NOT doing any more! I can't! It's torture.
It's really sad that all I can think about is all the fattening stuff I want to stuff in my face when I get off this. Clearly I have the discipline to control my weight for short periods of time...It's just that whole long-term thing I haven't figured out yet. Sad.
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