When it got to the point where I gained more than two pounds, I could either take an apple day (which was out of the question, blech) or skip my main meal and have a big steak and either an apple or tomato for dinner. Obviously I opted for this! I had to do this only twice, thankfully. I even bought Walden Farms calorie free barbecue sauce, which is a little sweet for me, but still better than nothing.
On my brother's birthday last Sunday I made the mistake of having half a raspberry margarita at the Mexican restaurant we went to. The sugar, combined with the alcohol, totally shocked my poor sugarless, mostly alcohol free system, and lets just say I saw my dinner again about a half hour later. I thought at least some of the sugar would've absorbed, but surprisingly I didn't gain weight from that. I also reaffirmed for myself how I could never, ever become a bulimic. I'd rather overeat and get fatter than make myself throw up.
Then, last Tuesday, I had my tonsils out. I told the hospital I couldn't have added sugars, but for some weird reason they had no sugar free yogurt or anything. It's a good thing I'm not diabetic, sheesh. So I had a few bites of it after the surgery, but I'd already barfed on myself once in the recovery room, so that was all I could manage. Plus, even the morphine wasn't making it easier to swallow. Then, that night I had chicken broth, some cooked mushrooms, and a little bit of cheese. Then I drank tea, and as soon as I stood up to take the mugs back into the kitchen...Uh oh. I ended up seeing my dinner again...again...in the kitchen sink. And to top it off, even though I threw up most of my food, I still gained about half a pound!!
The next couple of days I gained weight (about a pound altogether) from yogurt and fruit smoothies and such, but then, yesterday, my last day of stabilization, I had beef broth for lunch, then we went to town and I had a little cup of chocolate ice cream from Safeway, then I sneaked a bite of my fiance's Cinnabon (which I had to chew up really, really well), then I ate half a bowl of thick clam chowder (which has potatoes, which were still forbidden) and ate a tiny bite of Elmer's orgasmic cheesy biscuits. And then, since I bought some sugar free ice cream too, I figured I might as well sample that last night as well.
And this morning the scale said I'd lost over 2 pounds. So I figure I'm finally getting stabilized. Ironically, this is Independence Day, and also my first day off the diet!
Not that it really matters, because I can't hardly swallow anything anyway. But still.
(...Seriously though, I went through two jars of peanut butter in two weeks. Peanut butter and apples became my new vice.)
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